General/Memes in Hind Sight - Pixel Horror - Fan Community

Give us a peak at your minds eye

Yo guys if this game gets 2 more followers I will literally breathe air.

When the WiFi is back on.

Hello, I'm trying to make a fnaf type game. How can I make one without spending any money? And can make one in blender?

Thought I’d share the concept art for Remmy’s head.

Certainly doesn’t spoil anything I haven’t shown already, and thought it’d be fun to share ^.^

Pssst, hey. The other Lukes don't know I'm leaking this buuuut. 🤫

Check this out. 🤭

Ok, I gotta go, before the other Lukes figure out which one leaked it. Don't tell em it was me😉



What kinda move set would I have? 😮